College Move-In

When your child is accepted to a college or university it is a great accomplishment that should be recognized and celebrated. It is a big step in life where they will gain freedom, responsibility, and begin to write their own story. While this is an experience that many teenagers look forward to, it may present challenges. Before move in day arrives, read through our tips to help prepare yourself and your child for a smooth transition and a great college experience.
Start Early
Starting the conversation about college when your child is younger allows them to think about different options and have conversations about their future. While college is not for everyone, maybe they would like to explore a trade school and get right into the workforce after high school. If they would like to pursue college, together you can research prospective colleges, what they offer and their requirements to be accepted. By doing this you should encourage them to set short-and long-term goals, which will benefit them later in life.
Having goals to work towards during their high school years will encourage academic excellence, development, and involvement in programs within the community. This will teach your child to get out of their comfort zone to continue growing, which is important to instill at a younger age.
Starting early also gives the parents an idea of where their child may want to attend so they can begin planning financially. Begin to explain to them the importance of grades for a better chance at scholarships. Also, it is important to begin explaining how student loans work and the implications of borrowing money.
Life Skills
Your child will be bringing their books and pencils along to college, but it is important they have a variety of basic life skills as well. It can be a difficult transition for kids to have so many responsibilities dumped on them all at once. Therefore, the more you prepare them with the following skills, the easier the transition will ...
August 11th, 2023